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During a torrential downpour, a woman confusedly staggers into a store as the butcher receives a delivery. After several attempts to address her, she finally responds and explains that the foul weather has strongly affected her. The butcher says that it will get worse before it gets better, and she purchases groceries. As she leaves the store, she sees a poster that advertises missing teenage girls. Before she can reach her car, she begins bleeding from her mouth and loses consciousness as she falls into a rain-filled ditch, where she drowns.
Later, the sheriff tells Frank Parker that his wife has died. Consumed by grief, Frank does not show up to identify the body but instead sends his two daughters, Rose and Iris. Doctor Barrow, who delivered Frank's young son Rory, explains that an autopsy is mandated by the state. During the examination, he finds evidence of Parkinson's disease. Meanwhile, Frank is comforted by his kindhearted neighbor Marge, and, while driving through the storm later, finds a motorist in need of assistance; the film implies that he attacks her with a tire iron.
Rose and Iris debate whether they are prepared to take over their mother's religious duties, but Iris is adamant that they perform this year's ritual. Rory, too, has trouble keeping the family's fast. Eventually, Rory wanders into his father's shed and finds a young woman held hostage. Frank angrily demands that Rory leave, then forces his daughters to kill and butcher the captive. They reluctantly obey, and the entire family eats her remains after a bit of urging from Frank. Marge attempts to deliver a vegetarian meal to the Parkers, noting she thinks she heard a woman crying in the shed, but she receives an icy welcome from Iris.
Barrow, whose daughter previously went missing, becomes suspicious when he finds a bone fragment in a creek. Though Sheriff Meeks brushes off his concerns, Barrow is able to convince Deputy Anders to investigate. Anders finds more evidence in the creek, only to be confronted by Iris, on whom he has a crush. Iris leads him to a secluded spot, and Anders confesses his feelings for her. Confused and overwhelmed with guilt, Iris breaks into tears. As Anders comforts her, they begin to have sex, but Frank finds them and kills Anders. Disgusted, he tells Iris to return home.
Frank orders the girls to stay in their bedroom, and they form a plan to escape. Frank prays alone in his room, muttering that they have kept their tradition and will be joining their mother soon. While Frank recites prayers, Rose takes the car keys. When Frank prepares dinner, he takes a jar full of powder and adds it to the soup. As the children set the table, Rose notices white powder residue and realizes Frank is planning to poison them with arsenic. She unsuccessfully attempts to alert Iris, then knocks Rory's bowl on the floor to prevent him from eating. Before Frank can react, Barrow, whose research has turned up evidence that the Parkers may have engaged in cannibalism, arrives at the home and confronts Frank, demanding to know what happened to Anders and his daughter, whose hair ornament he sees Iris is wearing. Frank stalls for time as he reaches for his pistol, and Iris jumps in front of Barrow to protect him. Frank accidentally wounds his daughter, and Barrow shoots Frank.
Frank survives and knocks out Barrow. Rose and Rory flee the house in a panic, and they take refuge with Marge. Frank breaks into Marge's house and kills her, then convinces Rose and Rory to rejoin him. Back at Frank's house, he again urges his children to eat. When he tells Rose that she looks like her deceased mother, Rose and Iris bite into him and rip away his flesh. Rose notices Barrow, barely conscious, has witnessed the whole thing, and she places his daughter's stolen hair ornament on his chest. The next morning, the children leave town, and Rose brings a diary that details their ancestor's memories of cannibalism, implying their tradition will live on.
Dated Released : 25 October 2013
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
Ratings: 5.8/10 from 9,264 users
Star : Bill Sage, Ambyr Childers, Julia Garner
Genre : Drama | Horror | Thriller
Download Movie : BRRip 720p
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Aaron and Jim are filmmakers who, after receiving a link to an online video that mocks a local conspiracy theorist, decide to make a documentary film about him. The man, Terrance G., shows them a billboard that he uses to catalog information and draw connections between events. Impressed with his dedication and the depth of his research, the documentary takes a sympathetic but skeptical view of Terrance's beliefs. During an outdoors interview, Terrance becomes agitated and points out a man whom he believes to be following him. Shortly afterward, Terrance disappears without a trace. Worried, Aaron and Jim investigate and find that Terrance's apartment is being cleared out. Aaron salvages Terrance's work and recreates it on his own wall. When Aaron claims to have found the connecting conspiracy that Terrance was investigating, Jim reluctantly agrees to pursue it further for the documentary. When Aaron's house is broken into, he moves in with Jim and his family, who view Aaron's increasing obsession with alarm.
Aaron's research leads them to the Tarsus Club, a shadowy non-governmental organization and ancient secret society that has meetings just prior to major global shifts. The only evidence of its existence is a single article written in Time magazine by Mark Tucker. Unable to find any information about Tucker, they turn to the Internet and solicit information from the public. A man who claims to be Tucker eventually contacts them and requests that they remove all their information from the Internet in return for an interview. Tucker explains that his editor butchered the article and converted it from an expose into a non-threatening PR piece. The group worships Mithras, but little is known about their secretive ceremonies except that it involves the sacrifice of a bull. However, their influence on culture and society is far-reaching; Tucker reveals that their secret handshake is the origin of handshakes in general.
Tucker eventually contacts Aaron and Jim with news that he may be able to sneak them into an upcoming Tarsus Club meeting. Although apprehensive, the two filmmakers agree. Armed with hidden cameras, they document the initiation ceremony. When they are split, Aaron becomes worried for Jim's safety and attempts to contact him, which draws the ire of the Tarsus Club. After threats to call security and veiled threats about his family, they reveal that they have brought Jim's family to the mansion. Aaron, set loose with a bull's head mask, realizes that he is the sacrificial bull for the ceremony. He flees but is caught; his hidden camera records their attack but does not show his ultimate fate. In an epilogue, members of the Tarsus Club edit the footage and perform a series of brief interviews. Jim disavows any wrongdoing by the Tarsus Club and theorizes that Aaron has joined Terrance. The Tarsus Club make a statement that reassures the world that they are not engaged in any conspiracies, though they advocate a benevolent one world government.
(Wrong cover)
Dated Released : 21 September 2012
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
Ratings: 6.4/10 from 2,883 users
Star : Aaron Poole, James Gilbert, Ian Anderson
Genre : Horror | Thriller
Download Movie : BRRip 720p
Download Subtitle : Indonesia or All Languages


Barbra (Judith O'Dea) and Johnny (Russell Streiner) drive to rural Pennsylvania for an annual visit to their father's grave, at their mother's request. Noticing Barbra's discomfort, Johnny teases, "They're coming to get you, Barbra", before she is attacked by a strange man (Bill Hinzman). Johnny tries to rescue his sister, but falls and bashes his head on a gravestone, killing himself. Barbra flees by car but almost instantly crashes into a tree. With the man in pursuit, she starts running, which includes the de rigueur stumble-and-fall and the loss of her shoes. She arrives at a farmhouse where, to her horror, she discovers a woman's mangled corpse. Running out of the house, she is confronted by strange menacing figures like the man in the graveyard. Ben (Duane Jones) arrives in a truck and takes her back inside the house. Barbra slowly descends into shock and insanity as Ben drives the monsters from the house and begins boarding up the doors and windows.
Ben and Barbra are unaware that the farmhouse has a cellar, which is housing an angry married couple Harry (Karl Hardman) and Helen Cooper (Marilyn Eastman) and their daughter Karen (Kyra Schon), who sought refuge after a group of zombies overturned their car; and teenage couple Tom (Keith Wayne) and Judy (Judith Ridley), who arrived after hearing an emergency broadcast about a series of brutal murders. Karen has fallen seriously ill after being bitten on the arm by one of the zombies. They venture upstairs when Ben turns on a radio, while Barbra awakens from a stupor. The overbearing, self-righteous Harry demands that everyone hide in the cellar, but Ben deems it a "deathtrap" and remains upstairs, continuing to barricade the house with Tom's help.
Radio reports explain that a state of mass murder is sweeping across the eastern United States. When Ben finds a television, the emergency broadcaster reports that the recently deceased have become reanimated and are consuming the flesh of the living. Experts, scientists, and the United States military fail to discover the cause, though one scientist suspects radioactive contamination from a space probe returning from Venus, which was deliberately exploded in the Earth's atmosphere when the radiation was detected.
When the reports list local rescue centers offering refuge and safety, Ben plans to leave and obtain medical care for Karen. Tom states that the closest center is in the town of Willard, several miles away. Ben and Tom venture outside to refuel Ben's truck, while Harry hurls Molotov cocktails from an upper window to keep the "undead" at bay. Fearing for Tom's safety, Judy follows him. At the pump, Tom accidentally spills gasoline on the truck, setting it ablaze. Tom and Judy try to drive the truck away from the pump, but Judy gets her jacket caught in the car door and is unable to free herself. The truck explodes, instantly killing both Tom and Judy and setting their corpses on fire.
Ben flees back to the house, but finds himself locked out by Harry. He pounds on the door and shouts without result, finally kicking the door in. Angered by Harry's cowardice, Ben issues him a sound beating, while the undead feed on the remains of Tom and Judy. In the house, a news report reveals that, aside from setting the "reactivated bodies" on fire, a gunshot or heavy blow to the head will stop them, and that posses of armed men are patrolling the countryside to restore order.
Moments later, the lights go out and the living dead begin to break through the barricades. Harry grabs Ben's rifle and threatens to shoot him, but Ben wrestles the gun away and fires. Mortally wounded, Harry stumbles into the cellar and collapses next to Karen, who has also died from her illness. The undead try to pull Helen and Barbra through the windows, but Helen frees herself and goes down into the cellar - to find a reanimated Karen eating Harry. Helen, paralyzed by shock, falls as Karen stabs her to death with a masonry trowel. Barbra, seeing Johnny among the living dead, is carried away by the horde and devoured. The undead overrun the house, and Ben fights off Karen as he seals himself inside the cellar. He finds Harry and Helen starting to reanimate and shoots them.
The next morning, Ben is awakened by gunshots as sheriff's department deputies move through the fields, shooting all the zombies they find. Venturing upstairs, he is killed by a member of the posse, who seemingly mistook him for an undead. The film ends with a series of still shots as Ben is placed onto a burning pyre, along with other dead bodies.
Dated Released : 30 November 2012
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
Ratings: 2.5/10 from 772 users
Star : Sule Rimi, Kathy Saxondale, Lee Bane
Genre : Horror
Download Movie : BRRip 720p
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The Axe is Back!
A group of sorority girls are having a slumber party at their house. One of the new sorority girls is Leslie Borden, a descendant of the infamous Lizzie Borden family.
They believe that they are holding a harmless séance to conjure the ghost of Lizzie. But, they get locked in the house with an evil, vengeful spirit as Lizzie Borden returns to wreak havoc with her axe.
One by one, the girls are murdered as they try to figure out how to put an end to the return of Lizzie Borden.
Starring Jenny Allford, Mindy Robinson
Lizzie Andrew Borden (1860-1927) is a grisly part of American history, but I knew very little about her except for the children’s skipping-rope song:
Lizzie Borden took an axe And gave her mother forty whacks When she saw what she had done She gave her father forty-one. Children are lovely, aren’t they? Such darlings. Anyway, I did a little research, and learned that in 1892, Lizzie and her older sister Emma had a strained relationship with their father, who was wealthy but tight-fisted with the money (he refused to pay for indoor plumbing), religious and emotionally distant. In one incident, when he believed that the pigeons Lizzie was keeping in their barn was attracting intruders, he went in with a hatchet and killed them. You can forget about that Father’s Day card, Andy. Lizzie’s stepmother Abby appeared to have read the handbook on what stepmothers were supposed to be like, as Lizzie allegedly always just called her ‘Mrs Borden’, and the girls never ate meals with her or their father.
Lizzie Borden. Not the heavy metal band from my youth.
On the morning of August 4th, 1892, Andrew and Abby were found dead. Andrew was slumped on a couch in the downstairs sitting room, with 10 or 11 entry wounds; one of his eyeballs had been split cleanly in two, suggesting he had been attacked while he napped. Later, when the 32-year-old Lizzie (who had found his body) was being tended by doctors and neighbours, the body of her stepmother Abby was found in the upstairs guest bedroom, her skull crushed by 19 blows. Police found a hatchet (not an axe) in the basement, free of blood but missing most of its handle – had someone tried to get rid of it, unable to remove the blood? With the children the prime suspects because of the money issues, and Emma away that morning in a neighbouring town, Lizzie was arrested and tried.
It was one of the first American crime trial by media sensations, a century before OJ, with the whole country talking about whether or not she did it. There was evidence leaning towards it, such as the fact that though no bloody clothing was found, Lizzie had burned a dress in a stove a few days after the murder, and apparently she had sought to purchase prussic acid from a local pharmacist on the day before the murders. On the other hand, she was known throughout the community for her religious and charity work, an angel compared to her father.
It took the jury only ninety minutes on June 20th to acquit her. No one else was ever charged with the murders, though a number of other possible suspects, including an apparent illegitimate son who couldn’t extort money from Daddy; the older sister Emma, whose visit to the neighbouring town was a convenient alibi for when she snuck back and did the deed; Lizzie herself, having done it in a fugue state; and Old Man Peters the custodian, who would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for those meddling kids- no wait…
A seance! What can go wrong?
Anyway, Lizzie and Emma remained in town for most of the rest of their lives, though the community more or less shunned them, their notoriety surfacing every now and then with some new sensationalist book. Long after her death, Lizzie remained part of pop culture, lending her name to a feminist film director, a porn star and a heavy metal band, but I can’t recall any movies being made about her.
So when I saw a DVD in the flea market with LIZZIE BORDEN’S REVENGE, I was mildly intrigued. And it was only 50 pence, not even a dollar! How could I pass it up?
Quite easily, as it turned, when I played it and saw that it was distributed by Tom Cat Films. Son of a bitch! From the people who brought us ALIENS VS AVATARS, which I recovered from enough to review here. Not having heard from them recently, I assumed that they had cut themselves and died from some septic poisoning, but no. I could have bought a Milky Way bar or a kick in the nuts from a hobo or something equally more worthwhile than this. I’m an idiot.
Annoying bad actresses! What can go wrong?
Further mystery ensued when I looked up the details on IMDb, and saw- what? The release date is listed as February 4th, 2014? What the hell? Either there’s some ineptitude involved here (What, ineptitude? From the people who brought us NIGHT CLAWS and ISIS RISING: CURSE OF THE LADY MUMMY?) or my DVD was sent back from the future to warn us about what was to come.
So, following the time travel trope, as it’s more fun, here’s my warning, in the form of a review:
The movie opens on a large house, with the caption “Fall River, Massachusetts, August 4th, 1892” (I’ll take your word for it, though you might have removed the plastic garbage cans sitting in the driveway before filming. And disguised the driveway. And removed the park benches in front of the house. Or maybe filmed somewhere more authentic? But don’t worry, there’ll be plenty of other shit things to think about as the movie progresses). We see Andrew Borden (Randy Oppenheimer, whose name makes him sound like a redneck physicist) dismisses his daughter Lizzie (Jenny Allford, DEMON HUNTER) and wife Abby (a cameo from Brinke Stevens, a favourite of mine since SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE back in 1982) and goes off to the bank.
A blonde bimbo about to undress! What can go wrong?
Lizzie departs to her room, strips down to her old-fashioned underwear, picks up a long-handled axe, finds Abby in a bedroom and attacks her, her axe never touching the body but somehow producing splatters of cartoon blood. Yes, cartoon blood. It may be CGI, but the quality is on the same level as some Looney Tunes short. Andrew returns and gets killed in the same room rather than downstairs, which if I’m feeling charitable could be chalked up to artistic licence rather than writer Dennis Devine, who also directed this, having read even less about the murders on Wikipedia than I had.
Lizzie departs, cleans up the blood on herself and dresses, suddenly seemingly waking up from some sort of trance, going off and screaming as she finds the bodies…
Oh, right – THIS can go wrong!
After the credits, we look in on the modern day, to some sleazy photographer named Bobby (Michael Beardsley) taking supposedly erotic photos of a young woman, Mallory (Shanalynne Wesner) though they appear as erotic and professionally set up as a Penthouse spread of Mother Teresa. She takes a call from her boyfriend (for whom she’d been getting these pictures done), helpfully expositing that she’s going to be locked into a sorority house that night as punishment “just a bunch of hot chicks playing Truth or Dare”, but that she’ll sneak him through the basement for a little bit of you-know-what. Nearby, Bobby is listening, and you know they had him at “hot chicks”, and later he helpfully exposits into a camcorder how he’s going to crash the party (too many people are being helpful in this movie, and I just want it to go away).
Give it all you got, baby…
The girls are a motley collection of all the favoured tropes: blonde bimbo Ashley (Mindy Robinson, V/H/S 2), who prances about in just her panties; straight-laced rule follower Janice (Ginny You, ALIENS VS AVATARS), who will of course get wild when she gets drunk; annoying know-it-all Cindy (Kelly Erin Decker); and ordinary Leslie Borden (Veronica Ricci, 13/13/13), a descendant of Lizzie. Also secretly present is Vanessa (Krystal Ellsworth, SNAKE CLUB), the younger sister of one of the girls, who is apparently a bit of a headcase since finding their parents murdered. And if you think there might be a connection with Lizzie Borden, give yourself a No-Prize.
During the Truth or Dare, Cindy insists on performing a séance to bring back Lizzie’s spirit and sort out the mystery of whether or not she was the murderer; that they have a direct descendant there should help. It apparently doesn’t, which doesn’t surprise me, as the girls perform the séance with all the enthusiasm they’ll show their wealthy husbands on their wedding nights. But of course something does appear, possessing Leslie.
She just wants to be loved…
Look, do I really need to go into any further detail? Let’s see: the girls helpfully exposit that the house has unbreakable and unopenable windows (good health and safety there, Unnamed University) and they’ve been locked in as punishment (and if they need to get out, there’s an Emergency Axe. Really, there is, though they at least play this for laughs.) There’s a girl-girl scene with Leslie and Ashley that is as arousing as an episode of GILLIGAN’S ISLAND (Yeah, you know Ginger and Mary Ann totally did it in their hut). Everyone acts badly, and wanders around and gets chopped up, while the survivors keep adding clues to drag the plot to the conclusion, though even when all the girls discover that there’s a killer loose in the house, it still takes another thirty minutes to get to the end. The lighting, staging and camerawork are at times incredibly amateurish (at one point, the killer, chopping up one of the girls in a room, helpfully shifts to one side to let another girl flee).
Sorry to use you as modesty shields, Bela, but this is a family-friendly website…
Okay, is there anything in this movie’s favour? Well, apart from the use of an axe rather than a hatchet, and the location where Andrew gets killed, there’s a fair amount of authentic detail to the real case. This includes the theory that Lizzie may have been a lesbian (she allegedly had an affair with a famous stage and silent film actress named Nance O’Neill), and that she may have killed her father and stepmother to keep her orientation a secret. There’s also a bit of knowing humour about the usual horror tropes about how people always split up and invite getting killed, and some time-filling asides that make some surprising little character moments (and plot twists). And there is some practical blood and gore.
But really, it’s really, really, REALLY not worth the effort. Not even for the nudity, unless you’re one of those people who hasn’t heard about a little medium called the Internet where viewing nudity is pretty much part of most operating systems.
Dated Released : 2014
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
Ratings: 2.1/10 from 174 users
Star : Jenny Allford, Michael Beardsley, Kelly Erin D
Genre : Horror | +18 
Download Movie : BRRip 720p
Download Subtitle : Indonesia or All Languages


The Legend of Korra is an American animated television series that premiered on the Nickelodeon television network in 2012. It was created by Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino as a sequel to their series Avatar: The Last Airbender, which aired on Nickelodeon from 2005 to 2008. Several people involved with creating Avatar: The Last Airbender, including designer Joaquim Dos Santos and composers Jeremy Zuckerman and Benjamin Wynn, returned to work on The Legend of Korra.
The series is set in a fictional universe where some people can manipulate, or "bend", the elements of water, earth, fire, or air. Only one person, the "Avatar", can bend all four elements, and is responsible for maintaining balance in the world. The series follows Avatar Korra, the successor of Aang from the previous series, as she faces political and spiritual unrest in a modernizing world.
With a style that is strongly influenced by Japanese animation, The Legend of Korra has been a critical and commercial success, drawing favorable comparisons with the HBO series Game of Thrones and the work of Hayao Miyazaki. It obtained the highest audience total for an animated series in the United States in 2012, and was praised by reviewers for its high production values and for addressing difficult sociopolitical issues such as social unrest and terrorism.
The Legend of Korra was originally conceived as a miniseries consisting of twelve episodes, but it is now set to run for fifty-two episodes separated into four seasons ("books"), each of which tells a separate story. Following declining TV ratings in the third season, and with Nickelodeon having a hard time fitting it into their programming, Nickelodeon stopped airing the series in July 2014. The remainder of season 3 is to be distributed weekly online, where it has been markedly more successful.

Synopsis :
The first season, Book One: Air, sees Korra move from her secluded upbringing at the South Pole to Republic City to learn airbending from Tenzin, Avatar Aang's son. She enters the pro-bending league, and befriends the brothers Bolin and Mako, the latter of whom she eventually falls in love with, as well as Asami Sato, heiress to Future Industries. The ambitious politician Tarrlok enlists Korra to fight the anti-bender uprising of the "Equalists", led by the masked Amon, who strips benders of their abilities. Eventually, exposed as the son of a blood bending crime lord from Aang's lifetime, Tarrlok reveals Amon to be his older brother. Korra and her friends, aided by police chief Lin Beifong and United Forces General Iroh, manage to unmask Amon to end the Equalists' military coup. While she lost her connection to the elements of water, earth, and fire, Korra finally gained her airbending, and a later spiritual meeting with Aang allowed her to learn energybending, and to thus undo the damage Amon caused to her and his other victims.
The second season, Book Two: Spirits, begins six months later with Korra learning that restless spirits ("dark spirits") have been terrorizing the south seas. Feeling that she can not learn to calm the dark spirits through Tenzin, Korra turns to her uncle Unalaq, the Northern Water Tribe chief, for guidance. But as civil war among the Water Tribe branches ensues, Korra learns that Unalaq arranged for the exile of her father, Tonraq, and had used her to achieve his own agenda which she learns is connected to her most distant past life: a young man named Wan who became the very first Avatar by permanently fusing his soul with the spirit of light, Raava, to seal her dark counterpart Vaatu in the Tree of Time and close the portals to the Spirit World. However, having tricked Korra into reopening the portals so that he could go to the Tree of Time, Unalaq planned to free Vaatu in the upcoming Harmonic Convergence and then fuse with the spirit to become an Avatar himself. Once merged with Vaatu, Unalaq purged Ravaa from Korra and destroyed both the spirit and Korra's connection to her past lives. However, Korra is able to absorb energy from the Tree of Time that allows her to fight the Dark Avatar, and with the help of Tenzin's daughter, Jinora, she manages to reclaim the reborn Raava from within Vaatu, and destroys him, with Unalaq being killed in the process. After the battle, Korra re-fuses with Raava, but her connection to the past Avatars remains severed. Korra keeps the spirit portals open so that humans and spirits can coexist as a new age begins.
The third season, Book Three: Change, begins two weeks later with Korra losing favor in Republic City since the spirits' arrival to the point of being expelled from the city by President Raiko. Furthermore, as seen with Tenzin's older brother Bumi, the Harmonic Convergence has caused some non-benders to become airbenders with Korra accompanying Tenzin to find these new airbenders to revive the Air Nomad civilization. However, as Team Avatar is joined by an airbending pick-pocket named Kai during their search in the Earth Kingdom, a dangerous criminal named Zaheer gains airbending abilities and escapes to free his allies Ghazan, Ming-Hua, and P'Li to reform the Red Lotus group and capture Korra.

Dated Released : 2012-sekarang
Quality : HDTV
Info :
Ratings: 8.7/10 from 41,853 users
Star : Janet Varney, Dee Bradley Baker, Jeff Bennett
Genre : Animation | Action | Adventure





Dated Released : 13 June 2009
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 8.1 (30,401 users)
Star : Richard Gere, Joan Allen, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
Genre : Drama | Family

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Film diangkat dari kisah nyata di Jepang. Di sebuah kelas, murid-murid sedang menyajikan presentasi mengenai tokoh pahlawan mereka. Seorang anak laki-laki bernama Ronnie menceritakan tentang anjing kakeknya yang bernama Hachiko. Bertahun-tahun yang lampau, seekor anak anjing Akita tiba di Amerika dari Jepang . Di stasiun, anak anjing itu terlepas setelah kandangnya terjatuh dari gerbong barang, dan ditemukan oleh seorang dosen bernama Parker Wilson (Richard Gere). Parker langsung menyukai anak anjing itu. Setelah Carl penjaga stasiun menolak untuk mengurusnya, Parker membawanya pulang ke rumah. Di rumah, istri Parker yang bernama Cate (Joan Allen) keberatan suaminya memelihara anak anjing.

Hari berikutnya, Parker berharap pemilik anjing itu telah menghubungi stasiun kereta api, namun ternyata pemiliknya yang sebenarnya tidak muncul. Parker secara diam-diam mengajak anak anjing itu naik kereta api ke kantor. Di kantor, Parker diberi tahu oleh seorang rekan yang orang Jepang bernama Ken, bahwa tanda di kalung anak anjing itu dibaca sebagai Hachiko, dalam bahasa Jepang, Hachiko berarti nasib baik. Parker lalu memberi nama anak anjing itu, Hachi. Menurut Ken, Parker dan Hachi sudah ditakdirkan untuk saling bertemu. Cate menerima telepon dari seseorang yang ingin memungut Hachi. Namun Cate membiarkan suaminya memelihara Hachi setelah melihat suaminya makin dekat dengan anak anjing itu.


Dated Released : 2014
Quality : BluRay 720p
Info :
IMDb Rating : 5.6 (2.192 users)
Star : Zoe Saldana, Patrick J. Adams, Carole Bouquet
Genre : Drama | Horror | Mystery | TV Mini-Series
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Modern 4 hour mini-series adaptation of the classic novel by Ira Levin focusing on young Rosemary Woodhouse’s suspicions that her neighbors may belong to a Satanic cult who are hell bent on getting one thing: the baby she is carrying.



Dated Released : 2013
Quality : BluRay 720p
Info :
IMDb Rating : 7.7 (3,296 users)
Star : Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack
Genre : Animation | Short | Adventure

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Bercerita mengenai tamasya menyenangkan yang dilakukan oleh rombongan mainan mendadak berubah menjadi mencekam ketika mereka singgah di sebuah motel dan salah satu mainan dalam rombongan mereka menghilang secara misterius. Para sahabatnya yang panik mulai mencarinya dan menemukan kejadian supranatural penuh terror.


Dated Released : 17 August 2012
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 5.6 (172 users)
Star : Bo-lin Chen, Yi Han Chen, Chin King
Genre : Drama | Romance

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Reporter Lan (“Blue”) Puff Kuo XueFu) feels a special sense of calling for her work. She seeks the truth; to find and report the truth of the matter is the standard she’s set for herself. She thought that entering the news and reporting world would be the perfect space for her, but her boss has her looking for news on the Internet instead. By accident, Blue stumbles across a popular BBS forum with over 100,000 members. She watches as the forum’s members rise up together to attack the owner of the Dream Board, 湘 Xiang Ivy Chen YiHan). She originally created the Dream Board website as a space for netizens to share their own dreams and ideas. However, because of a private video that was leaked to the public,Xiang became the subject of a heated debate. Netizens attacked Xiang viciously on the Internet, and she even received countless harassing phone calls. In the midst of these attacks, only one person stood up for her, a computer engineer named Huang GuanJun Hsiu ChiehKai/Xiu JieKai); however, the relentless attacks were still too much for Xiang to bear.


On the hottest day in 50 years, a serious fire incident happened to a busy commercial tower, a gaggle of fire fighters with an indestructible enthusiasm are going to save lives.
Dated Released : 30 September 2013
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 6.0 (176 users)
Star : Ching Wan Lau, Louis Koo, Angelica Lee
Genre : Action | Drama
By: Newphobia

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A re-creation of the merciless 1970s rivalry between Formula One rivals James Hunt and Niki Lauda.
Dated Released : 27 September 2013
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 8.3 (50,934 users)
Star : Daniel Brühl, Chris Hemsworth, Olivia Wilde
Genre : Action | Biography | Drama
By: Newphobia

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Always one step ahead of the Feds, Paul Boxer is the most inventive and principled smuggler in the trade, and has never needed to carry a gun. When violent mid-level traffickers coerce him into designing a foolproof plan to bring several kilos of cocaine across the México border, he maneuvers to rid himself of their hold over him once and for all. But when a sharp-witted woman from his past enlists his help to escape this rival outfit, Paul must confront the man that is hunting him down, and choose between his livelihood as a smuggler and his integrity as a man. 
Dated Released : 5 April 2013
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 5.5 (332 users)
Star : John T. Woods, Paulie Rojas, Ross Marquand
Genre : Crime | Thriller
By: Newphobia

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A pair of star-crossed dancers in New York find themselves at the center of a bitter rivalry between their brothers' underground dance clubs.
Dated Released : 12 July 2013
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 5.5 (249 users)
Star : Izabella Miko, Will Yun Lee, Derek Hough
Genre : Drama | Music
By: Newphobia

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An international crew of astronauts undertakes a privately funded mission to search for life on Jupiter's fourth largest moon. 
Dated Released : 27 June 2013
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 6.5 ( 17,979 users )
Star : Sharlto Copley, Embeth Davidtz, Michael N
Genre : Sci-Fi | Thriller
By: Newphobia

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Film ini diangkat dari novel karya Frank Miller. Bercerita tentang pertempuran kuno Thermopylae di abad ke enam, di mana Raja Leonidas (Gerard Butler) dan 300 tentaranya, berjuang mati-matian melawan Xerxes dan tentara Persianya yang jumlahnya ribuan. Suatu ketika utusan dari Raja Persia mendatangi Sparta untuk meminta kesedian Sparta untuk menyerah dan tunduk. Raja Sparta serta merta menolak tawaran itu dan menyatakan bahwa dia dan rakyatnya tidak akan menyerah begitu saja tanpa perlawanan. Namun sikap Raja Leonidas ini tidak sepenuhnya didukung oleh rakyatnya bahkan perwakilan para dewa-dewa nya.

Akhirnya Raja Leonidas memutuskan untuk menghadang pasukan Persia dengan 300 tentara Spartan pilihan. Ke 300 pasukan Spartan ini begitu tenang manghadapi musuh yang sangat banyak itu, hari demi hari mereka lewati dengan semangat juang mereka demi mempertahankan wilayah mereka.

Mampukah ke 300 Spartan ini membendung ribuan pasukan Persian tersebut ?==========================================================================
Date Released : 9 December 2006
Quality : BRRip 1080p
Info :
IMDb Rating : 7.8 (338,720 users)
Starring : Gerard Butler, Lena Headey
Genre : Action | Fantasy | War

By Newphobia

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Ahab, a man obsessed with exacting a brutal, violent revenge on the man who murdered his dad, joins John, an eager priest, and Twink, a hot-headed street hustler, on an epic quest to find and defeat this mythical monster known as Chris Fuchman AKA The Father's Day Killer.
 Dated Released : 18 January 2011
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 5.3 (1,107 users)
Star : Adam Brooks, Matthew Kennedy, Conor S
Genre : Action | Comedy | Horror
By: Newphobia

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A documentary that details the creation of Julian Assange's controversial website, which facilitated the largest security breach in U.S. history. 
Dated Released : 2013
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 6.5 (2,597 users)
Star : Julian Assange, Adrian Lamo, Bradley Manning
Genre : Documentary | Comedy
By: Newphobia

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In this Hunger Games spoof, Kantmiss Evershot must fight for her life in the 75th annual Starving Games, where she could also win an old ham, a coupon for a foot-long sub, and a partially eaten pickle.
Dated Released : 31 October 2013
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 3.1 (1,039 users)
Star : Maiara Walsh, Brant Daugherty, Cody C
Genre : Comedy
By: Newphobia

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When her mother disappears, Clary Fray learns that she descends from a line of warriors who protect our world from demons. She joins forces with others like her and heads into a dangerous alternate New York called Downworld.
Dated Released : 21 August 2013
Quality : RETAIL BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 6.6 (23,564 users)
Star : Lily Collins, Jamie Campbell B, Robert S
Genre : Action | Adventure | Drama
By: Newphobia

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A young married couple comes home from a date night to discover that they are imprisoned in their own house with a methodical killer inside. 
Dated Released : 14 May 2013
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 4.7 (637 users)
Star : Meghan Heffern, Adam MacDonald, Shaun B
Genre : Horror | Thriller
By: Newphobia

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BA younger and more reluctant Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, sets out on a "unexpected journey" to the Lonely Mountain with a spirited group of Dwarves to reclaim a their stolen mountain home from a dragon named Smaug.
Dated Released : 14 December 2012
Quality : EXTENDED BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 8.0 (368,016 users)
Star : Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage
Genre : Adventure | Fantasy
By: Newphobia

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The Smurfs team up with their human friends to rescue Smurfette, who has been kidnapped by Gargamel since she knows a secret spell that can turn the evil sorcerer's newest creation - creatures called the Naughties - into real Smurfs.
Dated Released : 31 July 2013
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 5.0 (8,711 users)
Star : Hank Azaria, Neil Patrick Harris, Jayma M
Genre : Animation | Comedy | Family
By: Newphobia

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A father struggles to keep his infant daughter alive in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. 
Dated Released : 13 December 2013
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 5.6 (786 users)
Star : Genesis Rodriguez, Paul Walker, Nick Gomez
Genre : Drama | Thriller
By: Newphobia

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In order to restore their dying safe haven, the son of Poseidon and his friends embark on a quest to the Sea of Monsters to find the mythical Golden Fleece while trying to stop an ancient evil from rising. 
Dated Released : 7 August 2013
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 6.2 (20,608 users)
Star : Logan Lerman, Alexandra Daddario, Brandon T. J
Genre : Adventure | Family | Fantasy
By: Newphobia

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Summoned to Japan by an old acquaintance, Wolverine becomes embroiled in a conflict that forces him to confront his own demons. 

Dated Released : 26 July 2013
Quality : EXTENDED BRRip 720p
Info :
IMDB Rating : 7.0 (92,964 users)
Star : Hugh Jackman, Tao Okamoto, Rila Fukushima
Genre : Action | Adventure | Fantasy
By: Newphobia

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